Physiotherapy in Cuenca

Isabel Puyol Espinosa is a professional in the specialty of Physiotherapy, she has been recognized by the expat community as one of the best in her field, she tells us about her service and expertise.

His company is called PhysioGym

Our patients are the ultimate goal. Accompany them in their physical recovery process. May they live free of pain and feel a fuller life. We work intensively with our hands so that the patient can free himself from his limitations. We love what we do. Every patient is different. Every time a new patient comes in, we have a very important challenge ahead of us, that the patient can resume his or her life and well-being.

We are a center specialized in Physiotherapy with more than 25 years of experience. All our staff is bilingual.

We have state-of-the-art technology.

Cold laser, magnet therapy, electro stimulation. We perform orthopedic manual therapy.

In addition, we have inaugurated our new Cardio Respiratory physiotherapy area called Cardio Gym, where the patient puts his heart in our hands.

We work with the main private health insurance companies.

Services we offer:

– physiotherapy in orthopedics and traumatology

– electrotherapy.

– Orthopedic Manual therapy

– Gym, daily fitness classes for recovery and wellness with a therapeutic approach.

– kinesiology

For more information, cell: 098-878-1364

Address Av Isabel La Católica 2-86.

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